One common mistake businesses make when wanting to produce a video is focusing too much on numbers, products or services. While those are all important, what can often be lost is the tangible, personal element that comes from human interaction. This is why we always...
In our last blog post, we discussed the budgets of TV ad production. After looking at those numbers, you may be wondering: “What goes into the actual costs of a video?” Well for that, we need to go over the Three T’s: Time, Talent and Tools. Time...
For anyone new to video, this can be a confusing question. Numbers can vary dramatically depending on who you contact and where you’re located, starting with the free ads that come from local TV stations all the way up to the multi-million dollar national ads...
Last year we traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, to work on a TV ad campaign for Festival Foods. Written and produced by the team at Prophit Marketing, these ads showcased Festival Foods’ “Fresh Flight Fish” line of fast and fresh seafood. We had a...
We are always trying to stay on the cutting edge of camera technology. One such way was to invest in motion control equipment. With motion control, we can program in camera moves and play them back with perfect precision. This opens up a world of creative...