Don’t Waste Your Money on Video
Wait...what? Don't waste your money on video? But you're a video production company! We're just like you and we hate to throw away money. We are always looking to maximize every dollar we spend. This is why we commit to giving our clients the best bang-for-their-buck...

Learn about the history of Creative Edge Productions
Are you someone that likes watching the behind-the-scenes of your favorite films? If so, then enjoy this short trip down memory lane as we reflect back on the origins of Creative Edge Productions. From our humble beginnings shooting commercials in a basement to...

Why it is important to discover your unique story
Around the same time we were approached by two different clients who were both in the machining industry. They had similar facilities, offered similar services and had similar clients. But as we uncovered their stories we discovered that they had drastically different...

Learn How to Become an Actor, Find an Agency, and What to Expect on Set in our new Series: Acting 101
We often get asked by people that we bump into if we're looking for actors and actresses and the truth is we can never have too large a pool of talent to pull from. If a person is interested in becoming acting talent, we usually refer them to a local agency such as...

How to advertise on YouTube and Facebook with video commercials
We produce a variety of ads for television, but a good portion of our business comes from corporate and branding content for the web. When we are working on one of these videos, we often ask the client if they intend to do any advertising with their new content....

Creative Edge Productions is now shooting in 8K with our new RED Epic-W Helium
The demand for high resolution video has never been greater. Netflix has recently switched over to requiring all content to be delivered no lower than 4K resolution, which is 4 times the resolution of HD. For many of our clients, HD just isn't good enough. With high...

Madison, Milwaukee & Chicago Level Video Production in the Heart of Wisconsin
When looking for a video production company in Wisconsin, a lot of businesses don't think to look to the Green Bay market. In fact, many of our clients are surprised to find out that we're located in Green Bay when they see our work. We've constantly gone up against...

Why Emotion is Key to Your Marketing
When developing a video for our clients, one of the first questions we ask them is "How do you want your audience to feel after they watch this video?" Emotion is the primary foundation of every video we create and is always the test we come back to with each draft or...

Celebrating the Amazing Team at Creative Edge
We've been privileged to have some of the best team members in the country working with us and this past week we wanted to celebrate them. We had a fun team appreciation event at our studio and enjoyed some great food and drinks together. But a party wouldn't be...

Creative Edge Ranked #10 Best Commercial Video Production Firm in the World
We were delightfully surprised to receive a Twitter message from 10 Best Production letting us know that they had ranked Creative Edge Productions #10 Best Commercial Video Production Firm in the world for 2016. They have multiple categories in which they rank...