Van Zeeland’s Auto Care Centers – Welcoming the Challenge

Van Zeeland’s Auto Care Centers – Welcoming the Challenge

We had a great time shooting a fun ad for Van Zeeland’s. Written and directed by the team at Prophit Marketing, this is a great example of taking a limited budget and making it shine like a national production. Van Zeeland’s Auto Care Centers –...
Maximize the impact of video for your business

Maximize the impact of video for your business

“How can video benefit my business?” This is a question we get from business professionals every day. They are interested in adopting the power of video for their company but are not sure how to best incorporate it. Let’s first start off with what...
The Separate Ways Experience – Promo

The Separate Ways Experience – Promo

Separate Ways is a fantastic Journey tribute band, one of the best in the country. So when they wanted to produce a promotion capturing the quality and energy of their performance, we were very excited to be involved. After many months of work, here is the Separate...
Rasmussen Reports: Governor Scott Walker

Rasmussen Reports: Governor Scott Walker

When Rasmussen Reports decided to do their first on-location shoot, they contacted Creative Edge Productions and we traveled to the Wisconsin state capital and to Governor Scott Walker. One of the episodes we shot is shown below.
Dr. Dan Benishek for Congress

Dr. Dan Benishek for Congress

Back in early June we were contacted to shoot a few political ads for Dr. Dan Benishek. Here is the first one that was edited by the outsourced post house.