Around the same time we were approached by two different clients who were both in the machining industry. They had similar facilities, offered similar services and had similar clients. But as we uncovered their stories we discovered that they had drastically different needs. One of the companies, Proto 1, wanted to focus on the technological originality of their products. They wanted to look high-end and really blow people away. The other company, Precision Machine, wanted to focus on their people first. The video needed to show prospective employees the working culture of Precision Machine while also showing prospective clients how much they value their business. In the end we were able develop two very different videos that met the needs of each of our clients.

There are a lot of videos on the web that lack soul. They may cover all the bases by including the necessary information, having shots of their product or service and testimonials from their customers or staff, but they don’t draw their audience in. They don’t make you feel anything. You leave the video no different than when you arrived.

At Creative Edge Productions, we believe that video is such an effective medium for developing an image for your brand. With the use of powerful storytelling, dynamic imagery and supporting music, people can be inspired and truly impacted. You can develop emotional real estate in their hearts and minds which locks your brand into their heads. This brings top of mind awareness and fosters lasting relationships. We really love sitting down with new clients and discovering their brand, vision and story. This passion carries over into videos that people want to watch and remember.


Proto-1 from Creative Edge Productions on Vimeo.

Precision Machine (Director’s Cut) from Creative Edge Productions on Vimeo.